What To Expect

Welcome To Where Health & Healing Begin.

Where To Start?

Now that you are hear lets get you started by scheduling your first visit and grabbing the proper paperwork by using the links below.

First Day!

Congratulations on getting the paperwork done and getting your first appointment scheduled. To help you and your family be as comfortable as possible in our office we always like to start you off with a tour of our office as we make our way back to the exam rooms. This way you know exactly where the bathroom, water fountains, kids area, and much much more are for your convenience!

Time To Learn

Did you know the word doctor means teacher in Latin? Far to often those coming to us have never been taught anything about what they are experiencing by their previous doctor and that most of what they know has come from hours of researching and asking for help on social media. This is why we believe that education is a big part of healing. So come ready to learn!

Exam Time

We utilize space certified technology in order to complete a thorough nerve and muscle assessment. These scans allow us to locate areas of inflammation along the spine and to see how the muscle tone around our spine is reacting to our environment. This helps us pin point stress  along the spine and create a detailed plan for you and your family

(These are a non-invasive scan)


A team member to learn about our unique approach to health while we answer questions about how we provide specific and neurologically based chiropractic care in our office for you and your loved ones. We will also spend time reviewing why use the specific exams in our office and x-rays so that we never guess with your health! After the Chiropractic Education and prior to proceeding with the Neurological Chiropractic Assessment and Postural X-rays a team member will review the cost of the initial visit services with you.

* Payment for initial visit services will be collected

by the end of the initial visit.