
The health of your body before pregnancy, during, and after your newborn arrives, affects both you and your baby for a lifetime. Receiving chiropractic care during these stages allows for proper nerve flow and alignment of the pelvis and spine for better delivery. Increased function to the nervous system improves fertility, optimizes the development of your baby during pregnancy and helps the body prepare for the birth process

Pregnancy is an amazing journey in everyone’s life. From the moment of conception, a magnificent cascade of events takes place in perfect coordination. A coordination which is controlled by innate wisdom, which acts like a conductor, beautifully orchestrating a symphony of hormonal, cellular, and structural fluctuations of both you and the baby via the nervous system. It is of utmost importance that our nervous system is in balance throughout pregnancy. For, when a mother’s nervous system is strong, her baby can be strong. 

Prenatal chiropractic adjustments help expecting mothers to have a better functioning nervous system and structure, which is vital to the development of her baby. A mother’s pelvis must be in a state of harmony not only for her comfort but also for her baby’s comfort. If there is structural harmony, growth and development are effortless, she is better able to adapt to her changing body, and pregnancy is so much more enjoyable.

Webster Technique

Dr. Bradley Hahn is certified in the well-known Webster Technique by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. It is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment for pregnant mothers that reduces interference to the nervous system and balances pelvic muscles and ligaments. This adjustment optimizes uterine function and allows for a safer, easier birth for mom and baby. It is a gentle method of adjusting mom’s pelvis in order to reduce uterine constraint and allow the baby to move freely into the best position possible for birth. Simply stated, a balanced pelvis and optimally positioned baby make for an easier labor and delivery. Well-informed birth professionals love to hear that their moms are receiving Webster Technique because it significantly reduces complications and labor time.

Postpartum Care:

A healthy postpartum recovery is essential to establish breastfeeding, help your family adjust to the newest addition (whether it’s the first child or beyond), and to promote a mother’s emotional and physical health. During the fourth trimester, which is unique to each mother, the hormonal system and nervous system are adapting to the absence of baby in the womb. The entire body is also healing from 9 months of pregnancy-related changes and your unique experience of birth. Postpartum chiropractic adjustments aid beautifully in this process to help your body recover strong and resilient allowing you to be the best expression of yourself for you and your family.

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